Products for potency increase are necessary if you do not want to rely on expensive pills in your sex life. It is believed that all food aphrodisiacs are very expensive. In fact, this is not the case, the main requirement for food is that it be natural and contain nutrients. In addition, it is important to refuse products harmful to potency.
How to select products
Foods for potency increase are necessary for those microelements that they contain. If the products contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and beneficial acids, they will have a positive effect on potency. Here is a list of the main substances that are found in natural products and have a beneficial effect on male potency.
Make sure that what you love to eat contains many minerals that increase potency and stabilize erection:
- Zinc. These are the building blocks of testosterone. Without enough zinc, a man cannot increase his potency. In addition, a large amount of healthy food with zinc will have a positive effect on all systems of the male body;
- Chrome. It will help restore good blood circulation in the pelvic area, which is necessary for male potency. Products with chromium have a good effect on the condition of the prostate gland and improve its work. Such food must be included in your diet in order to prevent inflammation;
- Selenium. Strengthens blood vessels, their walls, expands them. But the sexual health of a man directly depends on how well the capillaries of the cavernous bodies of the penis work.
We must not forget that food is healthy, full of vitamins. A man needs:
- Vitamins of group C, contributing to the prevention of prostatitis. Help the immune system to fight infectious pathogens. The male glands need this vitamin to produce testosterone. In addition, vitamin C is one of the elements that are beneficial for good blood circulation;
- Vitamins of group E. This element does not instantly, but still has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the reproductive organs. In addition, it increases the intensity of metabolic processes in the prostate gland. What prevents her swelling and inflammation, adenoma and prostatitis;
- Vitamins of group B. They will help to quickly return a man's sexual energy. Promote an increase in testosterone levels, for which they got on this list;
- Group D vitamins. Most of its volume is obtained from sunlight. In winter, men can improve their potency by choosing food with a good proportion of this beneficial element.
Product list
Let's list what products help to increase male potency. Of course, you shouldn't expect instant impact. It is necessary to include libido-enhancing foods in the diet for a long time to see the beneficial effects.
Some foods that men eat and love have been famous as an aphrodisiac since ancient times. So, medieval ladies knew how to improve the husband's potency seafood for dinner. Potency-enhancing properties have been seen in a varied, balanced diet and natural foods.

These seafood have earned a reputation for being powerful aphrodisiacs. There is still no better natural product to increase potency in men. It contains a large amount of zinc and essential amino acids. Such substances dramatically stimulate the production of not only testosterone, but also dopamine.
These hormones in a fairly short period of time increase a man's sex drive and potency. For men's health, the most useful "spring" oysters caught at this time of the year.
Raw oysters are the healthiest foods for strengthening and potency. But note that after heat treatment, the lion's share of useful elements disappears. To improve the taste and to consolidate the effect, it is recommended to sprinkle the oyster with lemon juice.
How many oysters should you eat if a man has problems with potency? It is best to use them on an occasion, and not get carried away too much. In addition to useful substances, the product contains a noticeable percentage of mercury for human health.
Flounder is a true marine storehouse of vitamins and minerals. However, to preserve all the benefits of this fish, you should not fry it. Stewing or boiling works well for cooking.

Mackerel contains omega fatty acids essential for men. They are necessary to maintain good testosterone levels and stabilize potency. In addition, boiled mackerel increases viable sperm count and semen volume.
In general, when choosing fish to improve male potency, it is better to focus on marine species. There are much more substances useful to a man. Their concentration is especially high in fish roe. And it is not necessary to buy expensive salmon or sturgeon caviar. You can get the necessary trace elements even from pollock roe.
Natural products that promote potency and enhance men's health are not limited to delicacies. So, turnip is oversaturated with vitamins. This product not only improves erection, but also gives strength to cope with stressful situations more easily. Turnip seeds have a special effect. Turnip also works well when boiled, serving as a side dish for meat.
Animal food provides more energy, improves the response of nerves to stimuli. The potency of a meat eater responds more quickly to sexual stimuli.

But when choosing a type of meat, you need to remember about the danger of abuse of animal fats. Therefore, lean beef and lamb are best suited. Diet meat - rabbit meat, turkey meat, chicken breasts - also meets these requirements well. Game is also of great value for men's health.
To preserve nutrients and reduce fat, stew or stew meat. A large amount of greens would be an ideal seasoning. It is also not necessary to overdo it with meat consumption. It is difficult for the body to digest it, and there will be no energy left for sexual activity.
Nuts can be consumed daily, most importantly, in a dosage that will not make you fat. There is a large percentage of zinc and magnesium, vitamins of groups E and B. These substances are present in nuts of almost all varieties.
There is no need to roast or otherwise heat the nuts. In their raw form, they will benefit a man most of all. An excellent recipe for strengthening potency will be a salad of nuts, apples, carrots and beets. You can use ground nuts as a seasoning for meat.
The following varieties of nuts are especially useful - pine and nutmeg. Nutmeg can only be used as a spice. Do not consume more than a pinch a day - it can lead to poisoning.

It is not necessary to buy expensive fresh oysters to improve potency. Shrimps, squids, mussels, which are more familiar to us, are also suitable. You only need to cook seafood for a few minutes. Exceeding the recommended cooking time will spoil not only the taste, but also the healing effect.
This product works in a slightly different way. There are no minerals and vitamins already mentioned in this article. Chocolate has on potency not so much an organic as a mental effect. It leads to the production of hormones that increase a man's sexual activity and desire. What can be useful if potency problems are caused by psychogenic factors.
Only dark chocolate containing at least 65% cocoa will give a tangible effect. Various bars and milk chocolate will not work. The benefits for potency will be minimal, but the harm to the figure will be serious. But overweight is one of the main enemies of a healthy erection and sexual desire.
Quail eggs

Good for patients with potency difficulties. By consuming them daily, you can quickly strengthen your libido. Up to the point that a man is capable of several sexual acts in a row.
Raw quail eggs are harmless and will not lead to parasite infestation. During the period when strong potency is needed, you can drink up to four eggs. The rest of the time, it is better to cut back on the product so as not to get too much cholesterol.
Freshly squeezed juice
Pumpkin juice works best. It is also a good idea to add some juice from the celery roots. Although a freshly squeezed drink from any fruit and vegetable will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system. Thanks to the frequent use of homemade juice, good potency can be achieved quickly.
Beekeeping Products
Honey has been used since ancient times to restore masculine strength. Are other beekeeping products suitable for increasing potency? Yes, because royal jelly, propolis and bee bread contain a large amount of nutrients collected by bees. Propolis is used as a cure for prostatitis, bee bread directly strengthens sexual desire.
Harmful products

It makes little sense to fill your diet with the healthiest foods if you add more junk food. It will make it harder to absorb elements that have a beneficial effect on men's health.
Our list of 12 most harmful products for male potency includes:
- Smoked meats that have a negative effect on testicular function;
- Sweet soda;
- Alcoholic drinks, especially beer. The latter promotes the production of estrogen;
- Too much salty or sweet;
- Cilantro if consumed on a regular basis;
- Caffeinated beverages, from tea to energy drinks;
- French fries and burgers, pizza;
- Soy food;
- All fried;
- Hot;
- High cholesterol;
- Flour, especially wheat yeast bread.